Saturday, December 20, 2014

Kari's Twelve Days of Christmas Parody

So one of my friends posted this picture on Facebook.

Yeah.  Anybody else in that boat, you're feelin me, right?  So I thought....hey, what this gives me is an excuse for all the presents I buy myself anyway!  If we're honest, I buy myself presents all year long, but since it's Christmas, and since I am quite unattached....

I've decided this calls for a I'm rewriting The Twelve Days of Christmas.  These may or may not be actual items I have bought for myself recently....but it's a great little representation of the things that trip my trigger.  So here you go.  But you have to sing it.  :)

Kari's Twelve Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas I bought myself a gift....a hat with a panda bear face.
On the second day of Christmas I bought myself a gift....
How To Train Your Dragon, and a hat with a panda bear face.
On the third day of Christmas I bought myself a gift....
pumpkin spice latte, How To Train Your Dragon, and a hat with a panda bear face.
On the fourth day of Christmas I bought myself a gift....
jeans that fit just right, pumpkin spice latte, How To Train Your Dragon...
and a hat with a panda bear face.
On the fifth day of Christmas I bought myself a gift...
five pounds of chocolate....
jeans that fit just right
pumpkin spice latte
How To Train Your Dragon
and a hat with a panda bear face.

....aaand skipping on to the last verse....

On the twelfth day of Christmas I bought myself a gift...
pumpkin scented candle
purple glittered nail bling
new Aero hoodie
tickets to The Hobbit
coconutty lotion
seven purple gel pens....
New songs on Itunes
Five pounds of chocolate......!
jeans that fit just right
pumpkin spice latte
How To Train Your dragon....

Now the moral of this silly song is that I obviously like to spoil myself  a bit much....and although the way to my heart may be complicated, it most certainly involves chocolate and pumpkin.  :D


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