Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Prepare For Battle

During the past month I've had time to do some reading, and I got hold of two books with similar plots. Both stories laid out frighteningly realistic scenarios of the United States government gone crazy and God's people in America under attack. In the first book, the Illuminati, one of the reviews states that the story leaves people wondering where fiction ends and truth begins. I had to agree with that. How much do we really know of what goes on behind the scenes in our government? In this plot, an ancient secret society, changing its identity and tactics through the centuries but always working for the same ultimate goal, gains control of the U.S. government. Their goal is to rule the world, much like the one world system led by the Antichrist that we are warned about in the Bible. The general population is fooled at first, and Christians become hated and hunted. They are being herded into camps, where the plan is to eventually take them all out with nuclear weapons. Everything is spinning out of control and it appears to be the Great Tribulation just before Christ returns. But through the skill of some key individuals who have access to the new one world computer program and are sympathetic to the Christians, the tables are turned, others are shown the truth of what is happening, and the presidential administration, along with the society controlling it, is exposed and overturned. This is followed by a great revival in America. At the end, one of the main characters, a pastor who narrowly escaped death because his leadership thrust him into the spotlight, is speaking to his congregation. He tells them that God has given them a second chance. They have experienced real persecution and suffering, and all the trappings of life have fallen away for them. They have another chance to live all out for God and to spend themselves for the things that matter in eternity. They have a chance to prepare themselves for the final battle, because they have been through the refining furnace. Before, they knew the Bible said these times would come, but they didn't truly believe it would happen to them. I think most of us would agree that we also live in such denial. But after these people experienced the real thing, they knew that God had mercifully granted them a reprieve, but that more and greater tribulation would come. You know, I've always assumed that when things get that bad, it will surely be the tribulation of the end. I never imagined the possibility that this writer did. Of course we can only speculate; we know only that tribulation will come. It comes to each of us throughout life in all sizes and shapes. Jesus told us that in this world we will have tribulation. It's not a maybe, it's an absolute in this fallen world. But we also know that the greatest tribulation the world has ever known is yet to come, and the signs are increasing, and I strongly believe that the time is coming in this generation. And when I take a good hard look at myself, I must admit I am not ready for such suffering. I do not know what real suffering is. Stories like these make me think seriously about what it will take to hold fast to Jesus and what it means to be prepared for the utmost testing of my faith. I know the enormity of my own weakness. But I also know that my Redeemer lives! He is the Author and Finisher of my faith! He is the One who is able to keep me from falling and has promised to bear me up on His strength at my weakest moment. He alone can present me as an overcomer when it's all been said and done. The cry of my heart is to be among the faithful remnant who "overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death".

The second book I read was written 20 some years ago by Chuck Colson, but it was chilling in how easily the scenario could play out in the present time. The story was focused on the abortion battle and the mixture of earnest pro-lifers taking a strictly non-violent stand with the radical factions resorting to criminal tactics, such as murder of abortion doctors. A newly elected president was determined to crack down on the pro-life, Christian "terrorists" while advancing the agenda of new centers that were being built for the purpose of performing partial-birth abortions and using the fetal tissue to cure serious diseases such as AIDS. He also sent in the National Guard to stop crime in the streets, but things only got worse. People were being turned against the Christians A non-violent pro-life pastor was implicated in the blowing up of one of the new centers, because his brother was one of the perpetrators, and though the pastor did not condone the act, he knew what they were considering and didn't report them, and he helped them escape after the fact. He was treated very unjustly and ended up being killed in prison, but through his suffering his own conscience was cleansed and many people in the government came to their senses. We really need to ask ourselves what responsibility we have to fight for justice and uphold the cause of the helpless. God tells us clearly that we must not return evil for evil, but to overcome evil with good. We cannot allow bitterness and frustration to take over our hearts and make us just like the ones doing evil acts. We are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of darkness. Man, no matter how abominable his acts may be, is not the enemy. But neither can we stand silently by and turn away from the gross wrongs in our society that are breaking the heart of God. Let us ask God to make us willing to give our all for the cause. Let us consider how Jesus lived and do likewise. Let us pray to be strengthened and armed for the battle we face now and for the coming tribulation. And let us remember the promise of our Redeemer: "I am with you always, even to the end of the age."


  1. AMEN!!!

    How then shall we live?!?!

  2. I want to disagree with your focus on the end times, and your belief that it will come during our generation. Many fanatics since before the time of Jesus have lived their lives as if doomsday would happen tomorrow. It is a paralyzing obsession that has driven people to complete isolation from the world that they believed is beyond redemption. I believe that this is contrary to the message of Christ, and contrary to the work we should be doing in His name.

    I'm not saying that you have taken it to this extreme, you are doing some very essential work in furthering the kingdom. It is my belief that our generation will take part in some amazing things, and we will change the world for the better. Yes like Paul, we will take part in the sufferings of Jesus Christ, so that we may live a new life. It is through this suffering that we will see His glory. There is no external battle that we have to prepare for. God will fight that battle for us.

  3. It is true that isolation from the world is contrary to the Gospel. Jesus commanded us to go into all the world with the Gospel and to make disciples of all nations. I am reading The Hole In Our Gospel by Rich Stearns, president of World Vision. He lays out very clearly the love Christ has for the poor and oppressed and God's concern for justice. The most important thing in life is to love God and then to love our neighbor, and that includes our neighbors on the other side of the world. The poor of the world are no less valuable than those of us who have so much. We must seek to do all we can to love those in need, to defend the helpless, get justice for the oppressed, and help the brokenhearted find healing. We must do this all the more as we see the Day approaching. I am not advocating for the camp of "drop everything and watch the skies because Jesus is coming tomorrow". But I am seeing how crucial it is to be prepared, lest, as Jesus warned in many different ways, He should come upon us like a thief in the night and find us sleeping. The battle I speak of is to fight the good fight of faith and to run so as to win the prize. Jesus says in Revelation 2:11, "Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown." I am saying that the church, particularly in America, needs to wake up and take seriously the Christ we claim to follow and learn to live by the whole Gospel that we claim to believe. I know there are some who are ready to stand firm for their faith, no matter what it costs. But our soft life has not prepared us for standing under persecution, and whether or not Jesus returns in our lifetime, you have to admit that conditions are becoming more and more hostile towards His true followers. Now is the time to choose who we will serve and to learn real commitment.

  4. Have conditions ever been good for true followers of Christ? Has anyone ever been able to openly renounce worldly citizenship without incuring persecution? Is anyone a true follower who hasn't given up all of their possetions, and taken up the cross? Has it ever been easy for anyone to do that in any nation at any point in time?

    Nothing can prpare us to stand in the face of persecution except Jesus Christ himself. We are not just called to stand in the face of persecution, we are called to love and forgive our persecuters when that day comes. Maybe you're right, we do need to wake up and ask Jesus to prepare us for that.

    I don't believe that we should harden ourselves to resist persecution. We need to be soft enough to be able to accept it when it comes without resistence. True armor is not just an outer shell. There must be some kind of padding under it. A bullet-proof vest is actually many layers of kevlar, a kind of cloth. True preparation is softening on the inside so that we can absorb the blows, not deflect them. If anything I believe that our culture is too rigid.

    Or maybe our culture is like the nation from one of Daniel's visions that was made of some materials that were rigid, and some that were soft. Maybe in Christ both the soft need to become more rigid, and the rigid need to become more soft in order to truely function as one body. We can't let the divisions of the world divide the body of Christ.
